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New Zealand OSCE


The OSCE is a well-established method of assessing competence and is used in internationally qualified nurse registration processes in multiple countries including Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. In Aotearoa New Zealand, it objectively assesses competence across the domains outlined in the registered nurse scope of practice. The OSCE assesses the application of your clinical knowledge and skills in practice to ensure you can provide safe competent care as a nurse in Aotearoa New Zealand.

New Zealand OSCE Exam for Nurses

Nurse Maude has been contracted by the Nursing Council of New Zealand as the national provider of new Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) for internationally qualified Nurses (IQNs). This replaces the current competence assessment programmes (CAPs). Nurse Maude is a non-profit organisation that is a trusted and longstanding provider of healthcare services.

The Clinical Competence Assessment Process

This is a two-day orientation and preparation course followed on a separate day by a three-hour clinical examination known as an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).

The orientation and preparation course and the OSCE take place in person at a Nursing Council-approved simulation & assessment centre in Christchurch, New Zealand.

  • The OSCE assesses the candidate’s applied nursing knowledge, communication, and safe clinical practice at the level of a New Zealand-registered nurse.
  • You must complete 10 OSCE scenarios (stations) in 120 minutes. Twelve minutes are allocated per station with two minutes for reading the instructions, eight minutes to complete each scenario and two minutes for movement between stations (2+8+2 minutes per station).
  • If you do not pass the OSCE, you can re-sit the exam two more times.

The orientation and preparation course and the OSCE are delivered by the Nurse Maude Simulation & Assessment Centre in Christchurch.

Clinical Competence Assessment

The clinical competence assessment includes:

  • A two-day orientation and preparation course (OPC), and
  • An objective structured clinical examination (OSCE).

The Purpose OSCE

  • Is designed to assess your ability to apply your nursing knowledge and skills in a simulated clinical setting
  • Is set at the level of a registered nurse as they enter the profession
  • Will not assess advanced nursing or specialist skills
  • Will relate to current best practices in Aotearoa New Zealand

This is a regulatory assessment. This means that:

  • You will not receive any coaching, prompting, feedback or further explanations of the required knowledge and skills for nursing practice from the examiners before, during or after the OSCE.
  • You must demonstrate the skills rather than just verbalise your actions.

OSCE at MWT Academy Kottayam

This training is suitable for internationally qualified nurses and healthcare professionals aiming to meet New Zealand’s competency standards for practice. The program equips candidates with the tools needed to achieve success in their OSCE and embark on their professional journey in New Zealand.

The New Zealand OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) training is a comprehensive program designed to prepare healthcare professionals for their OSCE assessments, which are a crucial part of the process to practice nursing or related healthcare roles in New Zealand. This training provides in-depth preparation, focusing on the following:

  • Expert Faculty
  • Hands-On Training
  • Comprehensive Curriculum
  • Focus on Cultural Safety
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities
  • Mock OSCEs
  • Structured Practice Sessions
  • Skill Development
  • Feedback and Coaching
  • Time Management Strategies
  • Confidence Building
  • Communication support will be provided for every student throughout training
  • Continuous WhatsApp support until examination

You are required to complete ten (10) OSCE stations. Each station will cover a scenario representing current nursing practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. The stations are listed below:

  • Mental health assessment
  • Physiological assessment
  • Specific physiological assessment
  • Professional responsibility
  • Emergency management
  • Clinical skills
  • Medication administration
  • Communication and teamwork
  • Planning nursing care
  • Managing the deteriorating patient

Areas to be Assessed

The OSCE scenarios will assess your clinical competence, nursing knowledge and skills. This will include, (but is not limited to), the following:

  • Appropriate escalation of clinical concerns
  • Clinical documentation
  • Clinical reasoning and decision making
  • Clinical skills
  • Cultural safety
  • Direction and delegation
  • Infection control practices
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Interprofessional communication
  • Leadership
  • Managing nursing cares
  • Managing a patient in distress
  • Nursing assessment
  • Patient identification
  • Professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities
  • Safe medication administration (including drug calculation)

The MWT Global Academy team will help you to prepare every candidate by giving you proper guidance and ample resources to review. Our experienced educators will help to build your confidence and critical thinking through our extensively designed OSCE training programme. Alongside, we also encourage you to dedicate time and effort in working with us to achieve this success.

  • The program will be delivered through face-to-face discussion and hands-on training in the simulation lab
  • Training will be given for all scenarios / skill stations
  • Every day practice and structured practical examination
  • Real time experience and instant feedback
  • The training duration will be 4-5 days
  • Communication support will be provided
  • Students will be taken in small groups in order to get maximum support

    Please contact counsellor for upcoming batch details 91 812 910 0876 / 91 484 421 6666 / 1800 1023 566 (Toll Free)



    *Inclusive of applicable tax
