“It’s a wonderful day to save lives.” This trendy phrase brings to mind what each healthcare worker does in their everyday work routine. In this blog let us learn to perform CPR the right way. In most cases, CPR is not as efficient for the...
The heart is the most vital organ in our body. Thousands of newborns are diagnosed with the congenital cardiac disease each year. It continues to be a significant cause of death in the first year of life. Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week, which runs from...
Online CPR training appeared unfathomable by most standards many years ago. But thanks to technological developments and greater internet access, online training is becoming increasingly popular across all industries. As a result, today all significant CPR providers offer online CPR certification. Here, the theory component...
The NMC has introduced a number of changes to the OSCE, the second part of the Test of Competence, which is a practical test for overseas nurses seeking Nursing registration in the UK. Read on to know what they are. OSCE stands for Objective Structured...
More and more people in Australia are opting for in-home care. Taking care of an older loved one with health issues may become quite difficult, even for the most devoted family member. You might wish to consider homecare possibilities if a senior family member or...
Mental health nursing is a big career opportunity and is a diverse and rewarding profession. Almost one in two will experience a mental health condition at some point in their lifetime and one in five Australians experience a mental health condition each year. One significant...
Are you looking for a career where you can truly make a difference to the lives of others in the community? Australia’s baby boomer population is aging, and by becoming an aged care worker, you can touch the lives of older people and help them...
Have you ever thought of becoming a disability care worker? Read on to know what it’s like! As a disability care worker, you will be providing support and assistance to physically and intellectually disabled individuals of all ages. You might be working in a care home,...
The heart of pharmaceutical production is pharmacovigilance (PV). Without it, there would be no way to compare a drug's effectiveness to its negative effects. PV often referred to as pharmacovigilance, is intended to safeguard patients and facilitate professional knowledge sharing to lower the risk of...
A practice manager is one of the most significant and highly regarded team players in any practice. The practice manager holds everything together, whether it’s a general practitioner’s office, a medical clinic, a hospital department, or any healthcare facility. An australian practice manager sometimes referred...